
Training Log: USPA Nationals July 8th

This post is the first of a few over the next 9 weeks, and may be a bit long - so thank you in advance if you read the whole thing. Continuing the theme of giving back which we mentioned was our focus this year - I'll be breaking down my training in as much detail as possible, so if you're looking for a new program, or just interested in learning more about powerlifting and strength - read on. I also have 4 other of our team lifters running this program along side with me. If you want in - email me.


Yesterday (monday) I started my training program for USPA Powerlifting Nationals on July 8th, in Las Vegas, Nevada. I'll be competing as a 198, classic raw (knee wraps), in the Open age category. (more…)

By Dan Petkovsek, ago

TORQUE 3 Day Workout Program

torque-136 Ready to get back into your fitness routine? Need a change from your old program? Give our 3 day Full Body program a try. With a mix of strength, cardio, hypertrophy (muscle building), and intervals - You'll be sure to see some awesome results. This is an intermediate training program - meaning if you're a beginner, work your way up to this workout. These are big workouts - so to save time, we encourage super sets. Example: 1st exercise on back (Seated Cable Row) + 1st exercise shoulders (DB Shoulder Press). (more…)

By Dan Petkovsek, ago

Want A Big Deadlift? Glute Ham Raise

The Glute Ham Raise (GHR) has long been regarded as one of the most effective movements for building the posterior chain, and particularly - the hamstrings and glutes. The GHR is one of the few exercises that trains the hamstrings at both joint angles (hip and knee). This is important to note - as almost every athletic movement (squat, deadlift, jump, lunge, running..etc) involves movement at both joints. To perform the exercise properly - the starting position (image 1) is with your your quads jammed into the (more…)

By Dan Petkovsek, ago

You’re Too Technical – And It’s Making You WEAKER

dan-technical The only exception to this article is if you're peaking for a competition. When you're training daily in the gym, there's no doubt that some days will be better than others both physically and mentally. It's important to have a plan going into each workout - but some days you need to say "F*CK THE PLAN", and throw some weight on the bar. I see it far too often. People come into the gym, they slept great, ate well, feel good, and the bar is moving fast - yet they decide to "stick to the plan" and leave either pounds, or reps, or BOTH in the gym. Don't get me wrong, I value a good training program, and don't (more…)

By Dan Petkovsek, ago

How-To And WHY You Should Train In The Off-Season


In this article we're going to discuss the importance of off-season training, and how to structure your summer training program. With the hockey season wrapping up and summer just around the corner, you need to start planning for the months to come so you can optimize your training to build strength and size, while improving your speed, agility, flexibility, and staying injury free. The days of athletes playing golf, sitting on the dock at the cottage, and "taking it easy" are long gone. Coaches expect their players to show up to camp in shape, and ready to perform from day one. Not only will you be a better athlete, but coaches will notice the work you put in, which will build their trust from the very start.



By Dan Petkovsek, ago


suppguide This is a continuation of my recent Instagram post - which I initially made, then decided to write a full post about supplements.

Let's talk supplements for a minute.


This is not me telling you what to take - it's just my honest opinion about supplements since some people have been asking about creatine, amigos, "advanced blends"(whatever the hell that means), and other supps. Over the past 5-10 years I've tried more samples and new products than I can probably count. (more…)

By Dan Petkovsek, ago

Lose The Wrist Wraps! Increase Your Bench

rogue-wrist-wraps-b_w-4_e_u This post is short - as I feel it can be said in just a few paragraphs. There seems to be more and more lifters in gyms wrapping up these days - and using wrist wraps in the WRONG way. Don't get me wrong, I fully understand the benefit of using them, and believe they are a beneficial tool to push more weight - however, when guy's (and girls) are using them for EVERY SINGLE (more…)

By Dan Petkovsek, ago

Start Thinking For Yourself

12328341_150431331983950_682734700_n This is the first of many blog posts I'll be writing about training, business, entrepreneurship, and any other topic I feel needs to be addressed. I'll do my best to keep things short and to the point.

Start Thinking For Yourself

This is in reference to training. Powerlifters specifically. I get it - some people aren't knowledgeable about training and need programming and support from online coaches and trainers. (more…)

By Dan Petkovsek, ago