
Want A Big Deadlift? Glute Ham Raise

The Glute Ham Raise (GHR) has long been regarded as one of the most effective movements for building the posterior chain, and particularly - the hamstrings and glutes. The GHR is one of the few exercises that trains the hamstrings at both joint angles (hip and knee). This is important to note - as almost every athletic movement (squat, deadlift, jump, lunge, running..etc) involves movement at both joints. To perform the exercise properly - the starting position (image 1) is with your your quads jammed into the (more…)

By Dan Petkovsek, ago

You’re Too Technical – And It’s Making You WEAKER

dan-technical The only exception to this article is if you're peaking for a competition. When you're training daily in the gym, there's no doubt that some days will be better than others both physically and mentally. It's important to have a plan going into each workout - but some days you need to say "F*CK THE PLAN", and throw some weight on the bar. I see it far too often. People come into the gym, they slept great, ate well, feel good, and the bar is moving fast - yet they decide to "stick to the plan" and leave either pounds, or reps, or BOTH in the gym. Don't get me wrong, I value a good training program, and don't (more…)

By Dan Petkovsek, ago

Start Thinking For Yourself

12328341_150431331983950_682734700_n This is the first of many blog posts I'll be writing about training, business, entrepreneurship, and any other topic I feel needs to be addressed. I'll do my best to keep things short and to the point.

Start Thinking For Yourself

This is in reference to training. Powerlifters specifically. I get it - some people aren't knowledgeable about training and need programming and support from online coaches and trainers. (more…)

By Dan Petkovsek, ago