A quick story to share to give you some motivation today.

11 years of my life building this place and it’s days like today where I am very proud of what I’ve built.

People say how “lucky” I am. I just nod and say thanks. They have no clue.

There was no luck involved. It was opportunities that I took advantage of. It was hustling, taking risks, and always looking to the next idea. It was hard work to build a business doing what I love. It wasn’t all training, Bootcamps, or group classes either.

Here’s an example: when BioSteel Sports Supplements first came out in 2009, I was already selling GP8 water by the case to teams and organizations. I approached Biosteel and became 1 of 2 retailers in Etobicoke. I would buy full skids of product and sell them to my athletes/their parents, and the teams. I made $40/box, and sold about 100 boxes a month. You do the math. This was before “side hustles” were a thing.

Over the 11 years, there have been months where I made $60,000+, and there have been months that we’ve been -$7000 short on our bills.

Any time I pushed into new territory, it usually came with a new set of risk or financial strain. This is how a business is built.

When you don’t have anything to fall back on, you find ways to get shit done. It’s not always glamorous and sometimes it’s not the ideal situation (no storage or warehouse to keep products so it got stuffed under the front desk), but you gotta make it work.

Side note: 22 days till we can re-open!

And why is my bike in the gym? Because I can.

Categories: BusinessMotivation

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