Today was Monday – DE Upper.. In other words, Dynamic Effort Upper Body workout.

Bench Press @ 60% of 1 rep max + 80lbs band tension (red bands) (30-60 sec rest between sets – all 9 sets done in a row)

3×3 narrow grip
3×3 mid grip
3×3 wide grip

Low Incline DB Bench – 2×20

JM Press – 4×6,6,6,12

V-Bar Tricep Pushdown – 4×12
superset with
Underhand Lat Pulldown – 4×8

DB Row – 4×12
superset with
DB Seated Lateral Raise – 4×20,20,15,15

H Rolls – 3×12
superset with
DB Hammer Curl – 3×10 each arm

Forearms – 3×25 triple set – seated wrist curls, behind the back wrist curls, DB reverse wrist curl

Workout took 1.5hrs + 1hr dog walk for cardio immediately after (before eating my post workout meal)

Categories: Training

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