We want to thank you – our members – for a very successful 2014. 10402015_376048995878740_280848716735334630_nWe’re approaching 2 years since we moved locations and couldn’t be happier with the community we’ve built. We’ve had nearly 20,000 visits, over 1500 new faces, and have grown from 4 trainers to 14. Our trainers specialize in multiple areas including – powerlifting, bodybuilding, bikini/figure prep, athletes, physio/rehab, weight loss, general fitness, and have added services like massage therapy, Fascial Stretching, and chiropractic – to offer our members a full range of services to keep you healthy and strong.

1609699_348778681939105_5142348371233640596_nTake a second and think about the last time you said, “I’m going to get fit, stronger, lose weight, or be healthier.” Now imagine if you had stuck to a program since the day you said that.

Many people are going to be saying those very words in the next few days, and we want to personally invite EVERY SINGLE PERSON who says that – to come and try our gym, do a few sessions with a trainer, or at least come and talk to us about how you can improve your life through fitness and health.


We will be launching our charity “Torque Weightloss Challenge” very soon. Cash prizes for 1shome4t, 2nd, and 3rd place. Plus you’ll be donating to the Sick Kids Hospital Foundation. Lose weight, make money, and help the kids – you cant go wrong.

1655838_654746404574778_531105949_nWe will be continuing our Bootcamp classes in 2015. There will be a few changes to the times – Tuesdays and Thursdays are now at 7:15am and will be 45 minutes. Monday/Wed/Sat will stay the same. $70/month.



TORQUE BARBELL is here to help you on your fitness journey whether it’s to lose weight, get stronger, become an IFBB Pro, or set world records. Come see us today.

HAPPY NEW YEARS – We wish you all the best in 2015.

Dan Petkovsek & Mike Grayer

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